A Warm Welcome!

All of us at some point will have times of feeling overwhelmed by the inevitable uncertainties of life.
The impact this has on our emotional well-being can leave us feeling unsettled or struggling to understand and communicate our feelings and needs to those closest to us.
If you are looking for support with managing difficult feelings, troubling thoughts or problematic relationships, I will help you with finding a deeper sense of understanding, acceptance and ability to make change in your life.
The main benefit of counselling with me will be the experience of a supportive, confidential, non-judgemental relationship in which lies the potential for personal growth, greater satisfaction with life and more fulfilling personal relationships.

About Me

Learn More About Me

- Zoe Barton -

I have trained as an integrative therapist which means that I am able to draw on many different techniques and theories in my work. More important however than any technique or theory is the relationship we build together. Clients very often report that it is the experience of a non-judgemental, trusting and confidential space in which to explore their innermost thoughts and feelings that has allowed them to grow and make the changes needed to lead a more satisfying life or enjoy more fulfilling relationships.
My approach is based very much on the belief that we all have our own unique life experiences and understanding about ourselves, others and the world around us. I work on the principle that you are the expert in your own life and if given the right support and conditions, you will grow in confidence and ability not only to self-reflect but also to understand, connect with and express a greater range of emotions.
I have extensive experience in working to support adults living with anxiety, depression and other common mental health issues, often whilst managing challenging life events such as relationship breakdown, illness and bereavement.

My work as a counsellor has additionally involved working with both brain-injured clients and family members impacted by living with and caring for someone with a brain injury through the specialist charity, Headway. I also have experience of counselling young people from secondary school age to university students through my work with Winchester Youth Counselling and a local secondary school.
In my private practice I work both short and long-term supporting adults and older teenagers (14+) presenting with many different issues including:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Low Mood
  • Relationship Issues
  • Bereavement
  • Ambiguous Loss
  • Work Related Issues
  • Personal Development
  • Self-esteem
  • Stress
  • Anger
  • Abuse

What will a session together be like?

A counselling session together will typically involve you sharing more information relating to the particular problem, concern or issue that has brought you to counselling. This may be something that has been causing difficulty or distress for some time or be related to a sudden event that you need support with processing. We will examine more deeply certain thoughts or feelings you have about yourself and others, notice patterns in behaviour or perhaps recurring situations you find yourself in. We may, depending on the presenting issue and number of sessions together, explore more of your history, including childhood. An important part of my role will be to offer supportive challenge in encouraging you to reflect on if, how, where and when changes can be made.

Many clients, particularly those experiencing anxiety, can find it beneficial to explore and practise during sessions various forms of coping strategies. We will always discuss and agree on this beforehand and evaluate the effectiveness of different methods in following sessions.

I often employ creative methods of working that can help clients who for many reasons have difficulty finding the right words to describe their feelings and emotional responses to difficult life events. This may involve the use of objects, drawing, story or music to stimulate discussion.

I believe in the importance of empowering clients through the use of Psychoeducation, particularly where they may have experienced traumatic life events. Sometimes clients express feelings of distress and often guilt at the way in which they respond to certain events. It is often helpful to learn more about these types of responses, where they come from and how they can be managed.

Session Arrangements

We will arrange a mutually convenient time to have an initial free telephone call of 20 minutes to discuss in more detail your presenting issues and needs. This will also give an opportunity for you to ask any questions and to get a feel of what working together will be like.
If you decide after our initial call that you would like to start counselling sessions together, we will again arrange a mutually convenient time to meet on a regular basis.
During our FIRST SESSION we will take time to establish your therapeutic goals and how you will know when these have been met. These will be regulalry revisited and reviewed. We will also go over the business part of our contract. I will email you copies of paperwork before our first session, to give you the opportunity to read through in your own time and prepare any questions.
Counselling sessions will last for 50 minutes, and it is recommended they take place weekly at the same time.

Contact Me

Get in Touch

Please use the contact form below or email me at zoebartoncounselling@gmail.com if you would like to get in touch.


I currently have availability for online sessions only Monday- Wednesday. Face to face sessions will be available on a Monday and Friday from September 2024.

£55 per session payable via BACS transfer